Article based on PMBOK 4 and agile (SCRUM) methodology recommendation of Verify Scope process and Sprint review meeting
Team produces various project and product deliverables mainly during execution processes to complete the work defined in the project management plan and to satisfy the approved project and product specifications.
During life of the project team produce many interim and phase deliverables, which need to be approved by project sponsor and customer. Deliverables whether key deliverables of phase or any interim deliverables that is completed from team point of view need to be sign off formally and it is considered very critical process.
Why we need formal Sign-Off on project and product deliverables:
1. Project deliverables are produced as per the approved specification even though these deliverables need to be signed off to reconcile any differences or deviations from the specification.
2. Agile methodology is adoptable to changing business and technical conditions, when deliverables are completed sponsor and customer feedback is accommodated in next increment which is core of evolving environment to make process adoptable to continuous changes without any hindrance of forward accomplishments.
3. Formal sign off of completed project and product deliverables protect the interest of all the stakeholders involved in the project.
4. It ensures that all the stakeholders carried along during the life of the project.
5. Retains focus and accountability for the outcomes to customer while make responsible project manager for the means of achieving outcomes. This accountability and responsibility distribution is very critical for project success.
6. Risks are shared by both the customer and service provider so that both parties stay accountable for the success or failure of the project.
Example project and product deliverables that need to be sign off:
1. Project Charter, product backlog, sprint backlog, acceptance test cases.
2. Project management plan which may include design specification of approved sprint backlog stories (project scope statement using rolling wave planning tool), schedule which may include detailed schedule of current sprint and high level for remaining stories in product backlog, duration and resource estimates, quality management plan, scheduled inspection details, human resource plan, communication plan, risk management plan, and procurement management plan.
3. Working software which is completed from team point of view, means unit test, integration and acceptance test cases have been performed by team.
4. Other supporting documents like user help files.
5. Key phase deliverables at the end of each phase for accepting the closure of a phase in a multi-phase project. Terrace
All of the completed deliverables are need to be formally signed-off whether phase or any interim deliverable. Sign offs are critical throughout all processes in the project management cycle because they ensure that stakeholders are carried along with the progress of the project. In normal cases project manager first gets formal acceptance of internal project sponsor after then from project customer.
Project and product deliverable Sign-off process: Some time getting sign-off become very difficult as clients are reluctant to sign off on project and product deliverables because they feel obligated or bound to its contents. It makes them responsible if there are any issues which affect the project in the long run. Clients don’t want to be held accountable for affirming something that could potentially have an impact on the project, the organization or even their employment.
Company should have procedures to make client educated about their involvement for project and product deliverables verification process and sometime included in the project contract.
1. Project manager need to establish purpose of sign off of each deliverable and it should be properly communicated to manage the client through the process until project closure is completed.
2. Establish authority and accountability to get sign off for each deliverable in advance. For example senior manager (to whom project manager reports) is accountable to get sign off of project charter, Project manager is accountable to get sign-off of project management plan, Product owner is accountable to get sign-off of product backlog.
3. Identify key deliverables which need to be sign-off for each phase of the project, project manager need to ensure that this information is properly communicated to team members, sponsor and client from the initiation so they all know the expectations and purpose of sign-off.
4. Describe key inputs in advance on which basis deliverables need to be formalizing acceptance of completed deliverables, any deviation of feedback from the approved inputs from customer simply billable change request. For example working software of each increment is accepted using approved specification, design and acceptance criteria.
5. Describe tools that will be used to verify completion of deliverables. PMI recommends Inspection tool which bring together both parties to measure, examine and verify the completed deliverables. Project manager need to establish communication medium and method which will be used to bring them together.
6. Project manager need to ensure that clients appoint key individuals who will handle sign off at each process or phase. Carry these individuals along during those phases and ensure they properly understand the information contained in the documents and deliverables.
7. Whenever possible, we should try to provide abridged or summary documents for review. Clients can get overwhelmed with bulky documents and it might dissuade them from actually reading and understanding the information presented in the document. Summary/Overview will highlight key information that is relevant to the client and easy to assimilate.
Agile methodology always deemphasizes bulky documents provided along with deliverables. For each deliverable acceptance criteria are developed normally.
As a project manager we need to establish trust with client. If we have missed our targets or milestones most of the times or having poor delivery rate then chance of getting sign-off becomes difficult. Always escalate delays in sign-off in issue/risk register and formal letter to key decision makers on the client side can get the effective feedback.
Seema sonkiya